Category: Libya

As the war in Libya drags on into its sixth week the 60 day reporting to Congress under the war powers act expires today and the war continues. The Obama administration says this is “not a war” since there are not “boots on the ground”! Who are we kidding?  If this country is providing munitions, logistics etc.. people are fighting and dying on the ground then this is a war!

I have always believed the commander-in-chief has to make decisions on war and security issues, but we are involved in Libya were there is no vital interest to this county and the media is giving the President a pass on this war. Rest assured if this was a Republican it would be the top news story everyday!!

The liberals have to be going crazy because Obama has gotten this country involved in another war, we are still in Afghanistan, and Guantanamo Bay is still open!  I know we can’t understand all the reasons decisions are made, but the next time there is a conservative in office we all need to remember how the liberals and the media gave this President a pass on the unnecessary war in Libya.

Syria is using heavy weapons against its citizens to crush the uprisings and killing civilians in the process. This was the excuse to attack Libya. So my question is “Why aren’t air and missile strikes ordered against Syria? Perfect opportunity to seperate Syria from Iran and make life more difficult for Hezbollah in Lebanon. So this is why I do not believe the attack on Libya was to “prevent civilian casualties”. If this was the case then the same philosophy should be used for Syria. I believe the Europeans want to get their hands on all that North African oil!

It is being reported that in the last few weeks Syrian security forces have shot and killed over 200people in the last 4 weeks.  Since the uprisings have occurred in North Africa the Syrian people have taken to the streets demanding that Syrian President Assad step down and allow democratic reform.  His response is to shoot people in the streets so sounds like to me NATO needs to start drawing up plans to conduct missile and air strikes to save the Syrian people from being massacred like the excuse we were all given for the Libyan operation.  However, even though protestors are being shot and killed there will be no intervention to save the Syrian protestors because they are on their own.

But think about this, what better opportunity to get rid of another antagonist in the middle east?  I say this only for the fact of the lame excuse for attacking Libya.  We could get rid of a lot of problems by toppling the Syrian regime.  For one Iran would lose a key ally on the northern front of Israel and a conduit for weapons to their patron in Lebanon which is Hezbollah.  A big obstacle to middle east peace could be removed and serious discussions on settling this matter once and for all.  But this will not happen!! The status quo will remain because to me no money or profit can be made by taking out Syria.  North Africa is sitting on huge oil reserves and this needs to be tapped and Qadhafi must go because he is holding up the progress of getting to these reserves.

I just get tired of being given excuses for attacking countries like Libya so we can “save their people”.  Really… so we can “save them”!! Who is going to save the people of this country (US) when gas is $5.00 a gallon, food prices keep rising and no jobs that pay enough for people to survive.  It is all smoke and mirrors when these things go on and I don’t believe a word of it!!

I have watched the war in Libya for the last few weeks with amazement and wonder why the west has decided to launch air and missile strikes in Libya and the reason is to protect the Libyan people and stop a humanitarian crisis.  Using other African nations as an example, why isn’t the west using air and missile strikes in the Ivory Coast where an election was held and the opposition won and the current President does not want to step down.  The possibility exists of a humanitarian crises so we must intervene and stop this?? What about Darfur??  There was a confirmed slaughter of the population but yet no air and missile strikes to help these people!!   I could go on and on, but these are just a few examples I site to show why for the air and missile strike on Libya is a shame!!

In no way am I defending Qadhafi but lets look at what has transpired.  We know he sponsored terrorism and played a part in the bombing of Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie Scotland.  This case was pursued for years and I believe the Libyan government paid compensation for this act which they should.  The west was worried that Libya was trying to produce nuclear weapons so a few years after the war in Iraq and Saddam Hussein captured the Bush Administration cut a deal with Qadhafi that he would be welcomed into the family of nations if he gave up his nuclear weapons and he did so.  In the last few years it looked like the West and Libya were getting along and then all of a sudden these revolutions start in North Africa and these governments begin to fall one right after another, but in Libya the government fought back.  The rebels were on the verge of defeat until the west intervened and I bet Qadhafi is regretting giving up his nuclear program because the west does not attack countries with nuclear capabilities!

All the while the liberals in this country attacked the Bush Administration for attacking Iraq and not finding weapons of mass destruction.  I ask this question of the liberals; Is there any evidence that civilians are or were being slaughtered? Libya does not have that many people, was there really going to be a humanitarian crisis?  My point is this, I believe there are powers behind the scenes that set in motion a chain of events that are controlled and manipulated and the revolutions in North Africa were set in motion by outside forces to change the entire structure of North African governments.  When Qadhafi did not go quietly and the rebels were on the verge of defeat then the west intervened because Libya must change and Qadhafi removed from power to help bring the muslim world in line with the New World Order as I believe these are the last group of people who have not bought into this scenario.

Obviously, this is just my opinion and have no concrete facts other than watching events unfold and by following them it is pretty easy to get a general idea of what is going instead of just paying attention to what the media is feeding us everyday.  Think for yourself and it is not to hard to figure out.

Last night I was watching Anderson Cooper and his whole show was about the “Crisis in Libya” and how Qadhafi was using his warplanes to bomb rebel position.  The program talked about how desperate the situation is for the rebels and something must be done to help them.  Anderson Cooper even talked by phone to someone who talked about how desperate their situation was and the Libyan was saying “we need your help” and Anderson Cooper says “we will get your story out” and would call this dude back.

I am not defending George Bush on Iraq as I have questions about that myself but Saddam Hussein far worse that Qadhafi and when he tried to do something about it he was pounded day in and day out by the media and the Democrats.  The liberal media and the democrats wanted out before the war was over and Senator Harry Reid even said “the war was lost”.  Now fast forward to today, there is another despot killing his own people with open civil war taking place and now all of a sudden this same liberal media is whining that something must be done to help these Libyan rebels when they said nothing about how Saddam Hussein used poison gas on his own people.

I say turn about is fair play so as far as Libya I do not want any American Intervention in the Libyan matter.   The media are reporting there needs to be a no fly zone over Libya so Qadhafi can’t use his warplanes.  I say we take the approach President Reagan did in the 1980’s when the Soviet Union invaded Afgahnistan. The United States armed the rebels, and in order for them to shoot down Soviet Aircraft we gave them stinger missiles and showed then how to use them.  I get sick of this media trying to steer the course of this nation based on who they support in office.  Rest assured if this was a Republican President thinking about no fly zones and air strikes in Libya the liberal media would be reporting “The Arab street is upset because the United States is about to get involved in another Middle Eastern country”.  We would be seeing Arabs in the street protesting and having their Day of Rage” because of this.

I have linked to an article below that talks about the U.S. secret plan to arm the rebels and I am ok with, but no American military personal need to be involved.  These people need to solve their own problems.

America’s secret plan to arm Libya’s rebels

Obama asks Saudis to airlift weapons into Benghazi

Some might look at the title of this post and say, “Can’t you see what is going on, the people are protesting and wanting change in their government”.  While I would agree with this statement on a very basic level I also believe there are catalysts behind the scenes that helped start this whole upheaval in the first place besides “the people”!  This whole situation started in the small country of Tunisia with the toppling of the government.  Egypt was next, Yemen, Bahrain and now Libya with some uprisings in other countries in the region.  My question on all of this is; while all of a sudden has this occurred? For what reason would these changes be occurring at a rapid pace?  I mean look at Libya! Qadhafi has been in power for 30 years and ruled with an iron fist and in a matter of weeks is about to lose control of the country!

I believe these changes are occurring for economic reasons and what I mean by this is that the powers to be are wanting to create an European Union type organization in the North Africa, Middle East area.   Take a look at how things have played out of the last 50 years. The EU was formed and now is a formidable zone for commerce. Right now the North American Union is trying to be created which would include Canada, United States and Mexico.  South America and Latin America are headed in that same direction as well.  The Asian countries are also well on their way to an economic union so other than central and southern Africa the last region of the world for this to take place is in the middle east!   To further prove my point the United States and the European Union have not condemned what is going on!  We have supported Mubarak of Egypt for 30 years and pretty much threw him under the bus. Look at Libya, Qadhafi gave up his weapons of mass destruction and was welcomed by the west in the last few years and now he is getting the same treatment as Mubarak.

Also, this is why I have no concern the Middle East will be turned into an Islamic Caliphate because of the scenario I describe above as I believe there are forces at work that will not allow this to happen as it did in Iran 30 years ago.  This whole situation to me is about dividing the world into economic zones for the benefit of those that have money to make more of it.  Dividing the world into economic zones may or may not be a bad idea as long as it is shared with everybody.  The point of this post is that these changes in the middle east are not some great quest for freedom, but orchestrated changes for a larger purpose and most likely to enrich the very wealthy at the expense of the working people!  I just read realized what I posted makes me sound like a communist lol!! I really am not, I have realized the bigger governments get the less freedom we have and that is my main concern.

I have linked to several articles below:

Merkel: Mideast awakens memories of communist fall – Yahoo! News – Qaddafi’s Son Warns of Civil War as Thousands Clash in Tripoli