Category: Iran

The developments this week indicate the Palestinian Authority is wanting to be granted statehood by the UN.  To me this process has been heading this way for a long time but really picked up steam last year when Israel stormed the flotilla that was headed to Gaza that had its origin in Turkey.  Fast forward to today and Turkey has all but broken diplomatic relations with Israel, Egypt and Jordan who have peace treaties with Israel and say they are still committed to the treaty but their public statements are tepid at best.  Turkey is on the front line leading these Arab nations into what I believe will be an eventual confrontation.

Turkey is considering sending naval warships to escort the next flotilla that is headed to Gaza in what would no doubt be a confrontation with the Israeli Navy.  The pace of this future confrontation is picking up steam and I believe will occur in the not to distant future.  If Egypt and Jordan decide the peace treaty is no longer in their best interest then Israel is once again surrounded on all sides by hostile countries.  For whatever reason Turkey is taking the lead on this and the only conclusion I can draw as they want Israel out-of-the-way because in their minds this will solve the Palestinian dilemma and the crisis and turmoil that always surround Israel and the Palestinians.

Maybe the Palestinians should have a state and a compromise worked out, but appears to me the elimination of the Jewish state is on the agenda which is in line with what Ahmadinejad of Iran wants.  And to those of you who the United States will stand by Israel at all costs, think again. As rapidly as the world changes and especially in the Middle East don’t be surprised in the United States tells Israel they are on their own.


I have updated information in regard to Iran and the believe of their leader Ahmadinejad that by causing a cataclysmic war this will hasten the return of the Mahdi and the New World Order!  Finally, I have located an article by the Washington Post, one of the leading media outlets in this nation that is speaking about this very issue.   I have reposted below where I talk about this almost a year ago and hopefully with a major media outlet bringing the issue on the Mahdi then people will start to take this serious.  Remember, these kind of leaders maybe crazy but are very dangerous and mean what they say.  I would like to believe that some kind of action, even if covert is being taken to undermine Ahmadinejad and his government. Below is my repost and a current link to the Washington Post.

If you closely follow Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad then you are familiar with his believe in the final messiah returning which is the Mahdi that will usher in a New World Order.  The reason I say “follow closely” is that fact this belief of Ahmadinejad is not widely reported and must be deeply researched in order to find out any info on this subject.  I believe the media does not report on this because they probably think it is much ado about nothing and that surely someone is not that crazy to plunge the world into war over some kind of crazy believe.

Well, history is ripe with these scenario’s and the one mentioned above should not be looked at any differently.   Iran has shown their playbook and telegraphed exactly what they intend to do; acquire nuclear weapons, destroy Israel, and start and world war so the Mahdi will return.  I would like to think our leaders are smart enough to know that Ahmadinejad is a loon and that he plans on doing what he says and we as a nation and world just don’t stand by and attempt a piecemeal approach to accommodate Ahmadinejad.

There is also a lesson in this for the United States about getting involved in the affairs of other nations. This nation helped overthrow the elected government of Iran in the 1950’s and installed the Shah. When Iran was in an uproar in the 1970’s President Carter helped remove the Shah from power and the Ayatollah Khomeini took over and the Islamic Republic was born.  I know we have the hindsight of history but can anyone tell me why these leaders would think and “Islamic Republic” would be good for anyone.  I mean, I don’t think it is a good idea for religious leaders to lead a nation because they twist their belief system into thinking God has told them to do something and the result is people being killed and leaders like Ahmadinejad thinking he has to help the Mahdi to return. In an article I list below it is reported that Ahmadinejad takes hist entire cabinet to the city of Qom to report to the hidden Imam about what is going giving every indication that Iran is preparing for the end times.

I have listed several articles that speak on this subject in great detail as this is a serious threat and not the rumblings of some nut job.  It is not if, but when Ahmadinejad starts to implement his plans to have the Mahdi return we can only hope this nation and the rest of the world will quickly dispose of this problem so as to minimize the suffering that will surely follow.

Syria is using heavy weapons against its citizens to crush the uprisings and killing civilians in the process. This was the excuse to attack Libya. So my question is “Why aren’t air and missile strikes ordered against Syria? Perfect opportunity to seperate Syria from Iran and make life more difficult for Hezbollah in Lebanon. So this is why I do not believe the attack on Libya was to “prevent civilian casualties”. If this was the case then the same philosophy should be used for Syria. I believe the Europeans want to get their hands on all that North African oil!

It is being reported that in the last few weeks Syrian security forces have shot and killed over 200people in the last 4 weeks.  Since the uprisings have occurred in North Africa the Syrian people have taken to the streets demanding that Syrian President Assad step down and allow democratic reform.  His response is to shoot people in the streets so sounds like to me NATO needs to start drawing up plans to conduct missile and air strikes to save the Syrian people from being massacred like the excuse we were all given for the Libyan operation.  However, even though protestors are being shot and killed there will be no intervention to save the Syrian protestors because they are on their own.

But think about this, what better opportunity to get rid of another antagonist in the middle east?  I say this only for the fact of the lame excuse for attacking Libya.  We could get rid of a lot of problems by toppling the Syrian regime.  For one Iran would lose a key ally on the northern front of Israel and a conduit for weapons to their patron in Lebanon which is Hezbollah.  A big obstacle to middle east peace could be removed and serious discussions on settling this matter once and for all.  But this will not happen!! The status quo will remain because to me no money or profit can be made by taking out Syria.  North Africa is sitting on huge oil reserves and this needs to be tapped and Qadhafi must go because he is holding up the progress of getting to these reserves.

I just get tired of being given excuses for attacking countries like Libya so we can “save their people”.  Really… so we can “save them”!! Who is going to save the people of this country (US) when gas is $5.00 a gallon, food prices keep rising and no jobs that pay enough for people to survive.  It is all smoke and mirrors when these things go on and I don’t believe a word of it!!

Periodically, I will make posts about this subject when I feel like there is new information that has been made available and this is one of those situations.  It is a well-known fact that Iranian President Ahmadinejad believes in the return of the “12 imam” who is a messianic figure in the islamic faith.  What makes this believe disturbing is that Ahmadinejad believes he must set in motion the events that will hasten the mahdi’s return which includes a destructive a cataclysmic world war.  Recently, I found an article that talks about at top advisor to Ahmadinejad has produced a movie about this very scenario and how Ahmadinejad has laid out his scenario how the “end times” will occur.

There is no need for me to go into great detail about the article as I have posted a link so it can be read and interpreted by the reader as to its content.  But make no mistake about this, Ahmadinejad believes this and we all should take very seriously what he is saying.  Don’t be fooled by the media because they are not reporting this in great detail because we are told Ahmadinejad is some kind of nut!! We were told in the 90’s that bin laden was some kind of nut and looked what happened!  These people are telegraphing exactly what they intend to do and will do everything in their power to bring it about.  Some how I believe the western nations believe Ahmadinejad is a nut case and are trying to stop him and here is why:

1)American forces are in Iraq and Afghanistan, the two countries that border Iran on the east and west.

2)Missile defense shield proposed for Europe so Iranian medium range nuclear missiles can be intercepted.

3)Israel has been provided with top of the line technology for missile defense.

Throughout history these same situations have arisen with some “crazed” leader bent on world domination but this time the stakes are higher because Ahmadinejad is after nuclear weapons and if he gets them then he may well attempt to manipulate events to hasten the return of the Mahdi as he believes.  Just remember, if this were a western leader talking about the return of Jesus and trying to manipulate events to get this to happen.  It would be in the news everyday about what a lunatic this leader was and every protestor from the US to Germany would be in the streets talking about how tolerant we need to be and not force religion down our throats.  What a joke all of this is in the name of tolerance!!

In the last week and Israeli General was quote as saying that ” if Hezbollah gains control of the Lebanese government and Hezbollah initiates any hostilities then all of Lebanon will be a target, not just Hezbollah positions”.  This seems quite reasonable to me considering the fact that Hezbollah is in fact taking over the Lebanese government with the help of Syria and Iran.  As you look at the General’s statement he is sending a signal to Lebanon that letting Hezbollah run the country is a very bad idea and especially if Hezbollah is allowed to attack Israel from Lebanon.

Hezbollah’s gradual control over Lebanon has been taking place over many years especially with their possible involvement in the assassination of the popular Lebanese prime minister at the time Rafik Harari in 2005.  To further confirm these facts a United Nations Tribunal is on the verge of handing down indictments to top Hezbollah operatives involved in the assassination.  Apparently, Mr. Harari had to be taken out because he was taking Lebanon in a different direction than what Syria or Iran wanted.

Now it has been reported that France will sell Lebanon 100 anti-tank missiles which are obviously to be used against Israeli Tanks in the next war.  It is puzzling why France would do this as this will just reinforce the Israeli position of attacking all of Lebanon in the next war.  It should be obvious to any observer that Iran needs to control Lebanon so as to have a staging area for attacks on Israel from the north and control of Gaza so as to be able to harass Israel from the south.  There is one player in this picture that keeps this pot at the boiling point and that is Iran.  If Iran is no longer in the picture then most of the above problems are solved.

That is why I support any kind of destabilization efforts that are going on against Iran at this time because their ultimate goal is to take down Israel and all this would do is engulf the world  in a war that is not needed and unnecessary.

If you closely follow Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad then you are familiar with his believe in the final messiah returning which is the Mahdi that will usher in a New World Order.  The reason I say “follow closely” is that fact this belief of Ahmadinejad is not widely reported and must be deeply researched in order to find out any info on this subject.  I believe the media does not report on this because they probably think it is much ado about nothing and that surely someone is not that crazy to plunge the world into war over some kind of crazy believe.

Well, history is ripe with these scenario’s and the one mentioned above should not be looked at any differently.   Iran has shown their playbook and telegraphed exactly what they intend to do; acquire nuclear weapons, destroy Israel, and start and world war so the Mahdi will return.  I would like to think our leaders are smart enough to know that Ahmadinejad is a loon and that he plans on doing what he says and we as a nation and world just don’t stand by and attempt a piecemeal approach to accommodate Ahmadinejad.

There is also a lesson in this for the United States about getting involved in the affairs of other nations. This nation helped overthrow the elected government of Iran in the 1950’s and installed the Shah. When Iran was in an uproar in the 1970’s President Carter helped remove the Shah from power and the Ayatollah Khomeini took over and the Islamic Republic was born.  I know we have the hindsight of history but can anyone tell me why these leaders would think and “Islamic Republic” would be good for anyone.  I mean, I don’t think it is a good idea for religious leaders to lead a nation because they twist their belief system into thinking God has told them to do something and the result is people being killed and leaders like Ahmadinejad thinking he has to help the Mahdi to return. In an article I list below it is reported that Ahmadinejad takes hist entire cabinet to the city of Qom to report to the hidden Imam about what is going giving every indication that Iran is preparing for the end times.

I have listed several articles that speak on this subject in great detail as this is a serious threat and not the rumblings of some nut job.  It is not if, but when Ahmadinejad starts to implement his plans to have the Mahdi return we can only hope this nation and the rest of the world will quickly dispose of this problem so as to minimize the suffering that will surely follow.



I have a previous blog post where I discuss Ahmadinejad and his believe that he must hasten the return of the Mahdi by bringing about chaos and destruction to the world. In recent days a story has been published by a former Iranian Revolutionary Guard where he says Iran will bomb Israel to bring about the return of the Mahdi.

To me, this continue to me of major concern if this believe permeates the Iranian government and given the fact Iran is a theocracy governed by religious fanatics makes this statement even more believable.  As I have said in the past Iran has one of the largest oil and natural gas reserves in the world and they need nuclear energy?? This is a farce to obtain nuclear weapons and according to their believe in the Mahdi then they must create so much destruction so the Mahdi will return and rule over everyone. So to me this is why Iran is wanting to go nuclear.

Once Iran gets these weapons the only deterrent stopping them will be the United States and the fact this country has 5,000 nuclear warheads. It’s a shame to have this amount of weaponry but that is the only thing these nut jobs like Ahmadinejad understand.  I have linked to the most recent article on this and copied one of posts about the Mahdi for further explanation.

It has been said that he believes the “Mahdi” will return and Ahmadinejad needs to help speed up his return.  Who is the Mahdi you might ask?  He is supposed to be the prophesied redeemer of Islam and is supposed to return to earth with Jesus being a subordinate to him.  I have no issue with anyone having a faith and believing a certain way about their religion.  The issue I have is with the leader of a country that believes this and thinks that he needs to help the Mahdi to return by instigating some type of global conflict is ridiculous.  The reason why we should be concerned is that Iran is on the verge of nuclear weapons and someone who believes this way with nuclear weapons in their possession is very dangerous and should be taken very seriously with what they say.

I do not believe there needs to be an attack on Iran as I think there are things going on behind the scene’s now to try to stop this man.  While this is only speculation on my part the following is worth mentioning.  If you look at a map of the middle east and find Iran see the countries to the west and east of Iran.  The country to west is Iraq and the country to the east is Afghanistan and now the United States is in both countries.  Coincidence?? I don’t know but I believe the U.S. is using this to our advantage to destabilize Iran so an attack will not be needed. I don’t believe it is a coincidence either that all of a sudden there are demonstrations in Iran as I think the U.S. is helping to organize these which is a good thing in my opinion.

I am not defending the Bush administration, but all along maybe they all knew Iran was driving toward nuclear weapons and by invading Iraq this would start the policy of “containment” against Iran with the United States being able to influence Iran from its eastern and western borders.  Feel free to leave a comment and let me know what you think.

Iran continues to make moves for regional power in the middle east and its quest for dominance all the way the Mediterranean sea.  It is well-known that Iran has influence with Syria and in Gaza and rest assured that Iran is building its influence in Iraq as has been reported.  Ahmadinejad continues to consolidate his power in Iran and in turn is extending its influence in the region with this being a major concern to the United States.

As Iran continues with this and its pursuit of Nuclear Power the United States continues to counter Iranian moves in the region. In the last few weeks the United States has deployed a  second aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln in the Persian Gulf with its 60 warplanes to join the USS Harry S. Truman that is already in the Persian Gulf.

The United States continues to build up a large naval strike force in the region and the only purpose of this is to either intimidate Iran which will not work or to use this strike force against Iran which is probably the case.  Remember, President Obama did say during his election that he would not stand by why Iran developed nuclear weapons and this may be his solution to the problem could be around the corner with the build up of these strike forces. I have linked to several articles below:

I just wanted to post a quick note and link below to an article that talks about Iran’s real goal is to try to takeover the Persian Gulf.  As we all know this is the lifeline to the west for the oil that is needed to run their economies.  Even if Iran did not succeed the disruption of the oil could collapse the economies of the west. The article states the saber ratling with Israel is just a diversion to take over the Gulf.  Interesting read so I wanted to add a link to share with others so let me know if it was worth the read. I also added a link on my page as well.

Dr. Kedar Warns: Iran May Take Over Persian Gulf