Category: Random Thoughts

I have blogged periodically about wearing a cowboy hat that I never thought I would do, but it has grown on me since competing in country western dance events.  Next week will be the first comp of the year and 6 months since the last one I competed in. I blog about this not to “brag” about it , but how this gives me something positive to focus on in life and how much fun I have doing and preparing for these competitions!

I have figured out that as you move through life you need to change course, do things differently,or think differently in order to keep from being in a “rut” or the same mundane things day after day! Putting on the Cowboy hat for the weekend lets me focus on something fun and being somebody different for a few hours!  I can see why as we get older that depression can set it because our kids get older and have their own lives, our relatives or friends die and we can quickly find ourselves alone doing the same old thing we have always done day after day and then “situational depression” can set in!

From the competitive stand point I want to do well and try to win, but if not I still have something that helps me to have a well-rounded life and not to mention meeting interesting people who help to enrich my life!  Oh yeah.. I have posted a picture of “the cowboy hat below” lol.

President Obama made his speech last week that as a basis for negotiations for middle east peace that Israel should consider returning to its borders prior to the 1967 war.  From my research this appears to be a first for an American President and the first salvo in what I believe is the beginning of the end of unconditional support for Israel by the United States.  Israel has long said that if they return to these borders their country will be indefensible and this is why they need to hold onto the territory they have.  Also, this land was won in a war started by the Arab nations and they lost so why should this land be given back?

Israel has stated they have no intention of returning to the pre 1967 borders, but I believe they will receive pressure from the United States, EU, and UN to do so because the world is tired of the conflict and want it to be settled. Since the formation of the State of Israel they have been attacked by Arab armies many times and the Arabs defeated every time so what the Arabs could not achieve on the battlefield they will try to get at the negotiating table and looks like they might succeed. Now, with President Obama getting the pre 1967 borders out in the open it won’t be long before the EU and UN fall in line.

To me this is a very disturbing statement by President Obama but I believe it fits into the bigger picture of what is going on in the middle east.  The whole status quo has been changed with the “Arab Spring” that is taking place with autocratic governments being overthrown or others about to be. What a perfect time for the pre 1967 border speech and with the complete turnover of the middle east taking place what a perefect time to finally get this conflict settled once and for all.  But, I do not think it will happen this way because I still think the Arabs do not want the State of Israel to exist.  I think these government bodies I have mentioned will press Israel to accept the pre 1967 border to obtain peace and Israel will reject this.  In turn, as they have done in the past the Arabs will attack with whatever allies they can find.  The EU and United States will blame Israel and not come to their aid, leaving them alone to defend themselves against these invaders.

This is not hard to figure out, you only have to watch and pay attention so I believe the speech President Obama has just made will lead to a chain of events that will allow the enemies of this country and Israel to have the green light for the final push to eliminate Israel.



I have to say that when I read the article about the Navy Seals finding a large stash of pornography in Bin Laden’s so-called hide out almost laughed my you no what off!!  Let me say first that if he liked pornography that his is business and I don’t really care about that, but this is typical of “religious people”, “preachers” etc… that have the mentality of “do as I say and not as I do”!  Let me clarify that I am not talking about someone’s true faith in God that I myself have, but these people who try to tell other people how to live and they go ahead and do what ever they want and bin laden with his porn collection would be one of the worst offenders!!  If a regular every day “muslim” was found with a porn stash they would probably pull out his eyes or execute this person as violating the koran or something.

All the while Bin Laden is watching his porn he was making those stupid videos about how decadent the west was and taking over muslim lands! I bet you anything he was watching western porn and having orgies with his three wives and could somehow honestly talk some of these people into blowing themselves up to kill others!!  Little did these people know the person they believed was some kind of “religious icon” was keeping an extensive porn collection and all the while blaming the “decadent west” for corrupting muslims!

This is a perfect example why things and what people say should be questioned and not “blindly” follow what someone says because they make themselves out to be some kind of expert.  This is especially true with religious figures because they use heaven and hell to get people to do their bidding or give them all their money.  These people are told that if they do not do what the religious leader says they will go to hell!  How many people has bin laden convinced to blow themselves up and kill others and them thinking they will go heaven and get the 72 virgins!! It is really a sad state of affairs that people are naive enough to believe someone like bin laden.  Maybe this will wake up the decent muslims that want to work and raise a family. So the next time the radical comes to your door looking for recruits for a suicide mission tell him to take blow himself up and not to forget his pornography!

I have waited to post about Bin Laden because there have been plenty of commentators on this subject that know far more than I do.  By now most everyone has seen the video of Bin Laden sitting in his room watching TV with some old blanket wrapped around him with a cap on his head.  Also, look at that room!! There are two of what look like old analog TV’s with Bin Laden channel surfing with his remote and all of these cables and cords running into his audio/video equipment.  I swear that if we were not told this was Bin Laden all of us would have thought it was some homeless man in shelter with the way this place looked!

I look at this video and I am supposed to believe this is some great mastermind running a global terror network from this dump!!  The government did not want to release the photos of a dead Bin Laden because it might inflame the muslims.  Well, they should have been worrying about inflaming Americans because of the release of this video which I believe cast doubts about what we have been told about this so-called “mastermind” running a “global terror network”.

Bin Laden said in the 90’s the only way to defeat America was to “take down their economy” and after watching this video it makes me think he just about did it.   This country has spent trillions on two wars, Homeland Security, TSA and no telling what else on this dead beat that was living in something no better than some lake cabin somewhere.  Also, the countless dead and wounded of our military that have been used in connection with the war on terror to track down bin laden.  I can’t put my finger on it but something just does not add up!  I am all for taking it to these terrorists and I am glad Bin Lade is dead and kind of glad it went down the way it did.  But, after watching this video it is hard to believe what we have been told about this man and I just hope the blood and treasure that has been spent is worth it because the price has been high.

It is being reported that in the last few weeks Syrian security forces have shot and killed over 200people in the last 4 weeks.  Since the uprisings have occurred in North Africa the Syrian people have taken to the streets demanding that Syrian President Assad step down and allow democratic reform.  His response is to shoot people in the streets so sounds like to me NATO needs to start drawing up plans to conduct missile and air strikes to save the Syrian people from being massacred like the excuse we were all given for the Libyan operation.  However, even though protestors are being shot and killed there will be no intervention to save the Syrian protestors because they are on their own.

But think about this, what better opportunity to get rid of another antagonist in the middle east?  I say this only for the fact of the lame excuse for attacking Libya.  We could get rid of a lot of problems by toppling the Syrian regime.  For one Iran would lose a key ally on the northern front of Israel and a conduit for weapons to their patron in Lebanon which is Hezbollah.  A big obstacle to middle east peace could be removed and serious discussions on settling this matter once and for all.  But this will not happen!! The status quo will remain because to me no money or profit can be made by taking out Syria.  North Africa is sitting on huge oil reserves and this needs to be tapped and Qadhafi must go because he is holding up the progress of getting to these reserves.

I just get tired of being given excuses for attacking countries like Libya so we can “save their people”.  Really… so we can “save them”!! Who is going to save the people of this country (US) when gas is $5.00 a gallon, food prices keep rising and no jobs that pay enough for people to survive.  It is all smoke and mirrors when these things go on and I don’t believe a word of it!!

I have watched the war in Libya for the last few weeks with amazement and wonder why the west has decided to launch air and missile strikes in Libya and the reason is to protect the Libyan people and stop a humanitarian crisis.  Using other African nations as an example, why isn’t the west using air and missile strikes in the Ivory Coast where an election was held and the opposition won and the current President does not want to step down.  The possibility exists of a humanitarian crises so we must intervene and stop this?? What about Darfur??  There was a confirmed slaughter of the population but yet no air and missile strikes to help these people!!   I could go on and on, but these are just a few examples I site to show why for the air and missile strike on Libya is a shame!!

In no way am I defending Qadhafi but lets look at what has transpired.  We know he sponsored terrorism and played a part in the bombing of Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie Scotland.  This case was pursued for years and I believe the Libyan government paid compensation for this act which they should.  The west was worried that Libya was trying to produce nuclear weapons so a few years after the war in Iraq and Saddam Hussein captured the Bush Administration cut a deal with Qadhafi that he would be welcomed into the family of nations if he gave up his nuclear weapons and he did so.  In the last few years it looked like the West and Libya were getting along and then all of a sudden these revolutions start in North Africa and these governments begin to fall one right after another, but in Libya the government fought back.  The rebels were on the verge of defeat until the west intervened and I bet Qadhafi is regretting giving up his nuclear program because the west does not attack countries with nuclear capabilities!

All the while the liberals in this country attacked the Bush Administration for attacking Iraq and not finding weapons of mass destruction.  I ask this question of the liberals; Is there any evidence that civilians are or were being slaughtered? Libya does not have that many people, was there really going to be a humanitarian crisis?  My point is this, I believe there are powers behind the scenes that set in motion a chain of events that are controlled and manipulated and the revolutions in North Africa were set in motion by outside forces to change the entire structure of North African governments.  When Qadhafi did not go quietly and the rebels were on the verge of defeat then the west intervened because Libya must change and Qadhafi removed from power to help bring the muslim world in line with the New World Order as I believe these are the last group of people who have not bought into this scenario.

Obviously, this is just my opinion and have no concrete facts other than watching events unfold and by following them it is pretty easy to get a general idea of what is going instead of just paying attention to what the media is feeding us everyday.  Think for yourself and it is not to hard to figure out.

Well blog world I have been behind because life has happened and I had my dance competition this last weekend and will blog about that later but I have to post my incident in Atlanta where we were staying.  But first I have to set this up on why this is like weird or funny so I will let the readers be the judge.  Last year about this time we were visiting San Diego and decided to head to the beach and enjoy the beautiful beach walk on Pacific Beach.  We were probably about 15-20 minutes away from our room and I just happened to look down and there was this big bunch of bird s**t all over the front of my shirt and there was like a lot of it!!  My wife and 23-year-old were like saying “””oooo nasty, gross etc…. and it was true!! I had to get back to the room and change my shirt and making sure I did not touch any of it.  We thought what dumb luck for this to happen, but not the end of the world.

Fast forward to this weekend in Atlanta for a dance competition we were attending.  I like to try to find a good “coffee and cappuccino” gas station (a gas station that sells quality coffee and cappuccino if there is such a thing)  Anyway, I found a place within walking distance and headed there Saturday for a cup and then on Sunday when the incident occurred! We were walking back to the hotel with coffee in hand just talking and I had taken a few sips and in the next few minutes I just happened to look down and saw this “white blob” on my lid about the six of a dime.  I thought “what is wrong with that lid”?  “Must be a defect in the lid, but I didn’t notice it when I put it on the cup”  Then it hit me ” This looks like bird s**t!! and sure enough it was!! Another bird had s**t almost one year to the day it happened to me in San Diego!!  I couldn’t believe!! Some bird has ruined my morning coffee!!

We had a good laugh about it and now a funny memory, but now this has happened two years in a row while I was out-of-town on vacation!! Wonder if this means anything positive or negative?? Or could just mean what my wife says about me after all “that I am full of s**t” lol

Today my wife had to have outpatient surgery so we arrived at 11:00 o’clock as instructed.  She does have health insurance through her employer and has $500 remaining on her deductible and the hospital had told her on the phone this would need to be paid at registration!!  Now I thought this was crap as even thought she has a deductible and the money was owed we were basically paying for a service that had not been rendered and what if we were not satisfied!!

So in order to let her go ahead and have the procedure and get it over with we put it on the credit card and trust me the service we were provided at the beginning of the day was less than stellar. By the time they had us running from one end of the hospital to the other the surgery was 2 hours late!!  It was obvious if one knew what the other was doing all of this would have occurred on time.  And another thing about having to pay this $500 dollars today is the fact that we have insurance and “work” which is made known to the provider. Rest assured if an illegal walked through the door or somebody with no money I bet they would get treatment and not hassled over $500 as soon as you walk through the door!!

I have never been an advocate of government-run healthcare but because of what I describe above it will most certainly happen.  The illegals and the poor are getting healthcare whether they can pay or not and the folks like us that have insurance are paying out of our pocket or through higher insurance premiums.   So I say go ahead and give these people their healthcare and charge me one premium so every time I go the doctor or hospital I don’t have to pre-pay for services and then be disappointed in the result!


In the last week and Israeli General was quote as saying that ” if Hezbollah gains control of the Lebanese government and Hezbollah initiates any hostilities then all of Lebanon will be a target, not just Hezbollah positions”.  This seems quite reasonable to me considering the fact that Hezbollah is in fact taking over the Lebanese government with the help of Syria and Iran.  As you look at the General’s statement he is sending a signal to Lebanon that letting Hezbollah run the country is a very bad idea and especially if Hezbollah is allowed to attack Israel from Lebanon.

Hezbollah’s gradual control over Lebanon has been taking place over many years especially with their possible involvement in the assassination of the popular Lebanese prime minister at the time Rafik Harari in 2005.  To further confirm these facts a United Nations Tribunal is on the verge of handing down indictments to top Hezbollah operatives involved in the assassination.  Apparently, Mr. Harari had to be taken out because he was taking Lebanon in a different direction than what Syria or Iran wanted.

Now it has been reported that France will sell Lebanon 100 anti-tank missiles which are obviously to be used against Israeli Tanks in the next war.  It is puzzling why France would do this as this will just reinforce the Israeli position of attacking all of Lebanon in the next war.  It should be obvious to any observer that Iran needs to control Lebanon so as to have a staging area for attacks on Israel from the north and control of Gaza so as to be able to harass Israel from the south.  There is one player in this picture that keeps this pot at the boiling point and that is Iran.  If Iran is no longer in the picture then most of the above problems are solved.

That is why I support any kind of destabilization efforts that are going on against Iran at this time because their ultimate goal is to take down Israel and all this would do is engulf the world  in a war that is not needed and unnecessary.

I have a previous blog post where I discuss Ahmadinejad and his believe that he must hasten the return of the Mahdi by bringing about chaos and destruction to the world. In recent days a story has been published by a former Iranian Revolutionary Guard where he says Iran will bomb Israel to bring about the return of the Mahdi.

To me, this continue to me of major concern if this believe permeates the Iranian government and given the fact Iran is a theocracy governed by religious fanatics makes this statement even more believable.  As I have said in the past Iran has one of the largest oil and natural gas reserves in the world and they need nuclear energy?? This is a farce to obtain nuclear weapons and according to their believe in the Mahdi then they must create so much destruction so the Mahdi will return and rule over everyone. So to me this is why Iran is wanting to go nuclear.

Once Iran gets these weapons the only deterrent stopping them will be the United States and the fact this country has 5,000 nuclear warheads. It’s a shame to have this amount of weaponry but that is the only thing these nut jobs like Ahmadinejad understand.  I have linked to the most recent article on this and copied one of posts about the Mahdi for further explanation.

It has been said that he believes the “Mahdi” will return and Ahmadinejad needs to help speed up his return.  Who is the Mahdi you might ask?  He is supposed to be the prophesied redeemer of Islam and is supposed to return to earth with Jesus being a subordinate to him.  I have no issue with anyone having a faith and believing a certain way about their religion.  The issue I have is with the leader of a country that believes this and thinks that he needs to help the Mahdi to return by instigating some type of global conflict is ridiculous.  The reason why we should be concerned is that Iran is on the verge of nuclear weapons and someone who believes this way with nuclear weapons in their possession is very dangerous and should be taken very seriously with what they say.

I do not believe there needs to be an attack on Iran as I think there are things going on behind the scene’s now to try to stop this man.  While this is only speculation on my part the following is worth mentioning.  If you look at a map of the middle east and find Iran see the countries to the west and east of Iran.  The country to west is Iraq and the country to the east is Afghanistan and now the United States is in both countries.  Coincidence?? I don’t know but I believe the U.S. is using this to our advantage to destabilize Iran so an attack will not be needed. I don’t believe it is a coincidence either that all of a sudden there are demonstrations in Iran as I think the U.S. is helping to organize these which is a good thing in my opinion.

I am not defending the Bush administration, but all along maybe they all knew Iran was driving toward nuclear weapons and by invading Iraq this would start the policy of “containment” against Iran with the United States being able to influence Iran from its eastern and western borders.  Feel free to leave a comment and let me know what you think.