Category: War

As the war in Libya drags on into its sixth week the 60 day reporting to Congress under the war powers act expires today and the war continues. The Obama administration says this is “not a war” since there are not “boots on the ground”! Who are we kidding?  If this country is providing munitions, logistics etc.. people are fighting and dying on the ground then this is a war!

I have always believed the commander-in-chief has to make decisions on war and security issues, but we are involved in Libya were there is no vital interest to this county and the media is giving the President a pass on this war. Rest assured if this was a Republican it would be the top news story everyday!!

The liberals have to be going crazy because Obama has gotten this country involved in another war, we are still in Afghanistan, and Guantanamo Bay is still open!  I know we can’t understand all the reasons decisions are made, but the next time there is a conservative in office we all need to remember how the liberals and the media gave this President a pass on the unnecessary war in Libya.

Periodically, I will make posts about this subject when I feel like there is new information that has been made available and this is one of those situations.  It is a well-known fact that Iranian President Ahmadinejad believes in the return of the “12 imam” who is a messianic figure in the islamic faith.  What makes this believe disturbing is that Ahmadinejad believes he must set in motion the events that will hasten the mahdi’s return which includes a destructive a cataclysmic world war.  Recently, I found an article that talks about at top advisor to Ahmadinejad has produced a movie about this very scenario and how Ahmadinejad has laid out his scenario how the “end times” will occur.

There is no need for me to go into great detail about the article as I have posted a link so it can be read and interpreted by the reader as to its content.  But make no mistake about this, Ahmadinejad believes this and we all should take very seriously what he is saying.  Don’t be fooled by the media because they are not reporting this in great detail because we are told Ahmadinejad is some kind of nut!! We were told in the 90’s that bin laden was some kind of nut and looked what happened!  These people are telegraphing exactly what they intend to do and will do everything in their power to bring it about.  Some how I believe the western nations believe Ahmadinejad is a nut case and are trying to stop him and here is why:

1)American forces are in Iraq and Afghanistan, the two countries that border Iran on the east and west.

2)Missile defense shield proposed for Europe so Iranian medium range nuclear missiles can be intercepted.

3)Israel has been provided with top of the line technology for missile defense.

Throughout history these same situations have arisen with some “crazed” leader bent on world domination but this time the stakes are higher because Ahmadinejad is after nuclear weapons and if he gets them then he may well attempt to manipulate events to hasten the return of the Mahdi as he believes.  Just remember, if this were a western leader talking about the return of Jesus and trying to manipulate events to get this to happen.  It would be in the news everyday about what a lunatic this leader was and every protestor from the US to Germany would be in the streets talking about how tolerant we need to be and not force religion down our throats.  What a joke all of this is in the name of tolerance!!

I have watched the war in Libya for the last few weeks with amazement and wonder why the west has decided to launch air and missile strikes in Libya and the reason is to protect the Libyan people and stop a humanitarian crisis.  Using other African nations as an example, why isn’t the west using air and missile strikes in the Ivory Coast where an election was held and the opposition won and the current President does not want to step down.  The possibility exists of a humanitarian crises so we must intervene and stop this?? What about Darfur??  There was a confirmed slaughter of the population but yet no air and missile strikes to help these people!!   I could go on and on, but these are just a few examples I site to show why for the air and missile strike on Libya is a shame!!

In no way am I defending Qadhafi but lets look at what has transpired.  We know he sponsored terrorism and played a part in the bombing of Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie Scotland.  This case was pursued for years and I believe the Libyan government paid compensation for this act which they should.  The west was worried that Libya was trying to produce nuclear weapons so a few years after the war in Iraq and Saddam Hussein captured the Bush Administration cut a deal with Qadhafi that he would be welcomed into the family of nations if he gave up his nuclear weapons and he did so.  In the last few years it looked like the West and Libya were getting along and then all of a sudden these revolutions start in North Africa and these governments begin to fall one right after another, but in Libya the government fought back.  The rebels were on the verge of defeat until the west intervened and I bet Qadhafi is regretting giving up his nuclear program because the west does not attack countries with nuclear capabilities!

All the while the liberals in this country attacked the Bush Administration for attacking Iraq and not finding weapons of mass destruction.  I ask this question of the liberals; Is there any evidence that civilians are or were being slaughtered? Libya does not have that many people, was there really going to be a humanitarian crisis?  My point is this, I believe there are powers behind the scenes that set in motion a chain of events that are controlled and manipulated and the revolutions in North Africa were set in motion by outside forces to change the entire structure of North African governments.  When Qadhafi did not go quietly and the rebels were on the verge of defeat then the west intervened because Libya must change and Qadhafi removed from power to help bring the muslim world in line with the New World Order as I believe these are the last group of people who have not bought into this scenario.

Obviously, this is just my opinion and have no concrete facts other than watching events unfold and by following them it is pretty easy to get a general idea of what is going instead of just paying attention to what the media is feeding us everyday.  Think for yourself and it is not to hard to figure out.

In the last week and Israeli General was quote as saying that ” if Hezbollah gains control of the Lebanese government and Hezbollah initiates any hostilities then all of Lebanon will be a target, not just Hezbollah positions”.  This seems quite reasonable to me considering the fact that Hezbollah is in fact taking over the Lebanese government with the help of Syria and Iran.  As you look at the General’s statement he is sending a signal to Lebanon that letting Hezbollah run the country is a very bad idea and especially if Hezbollah is allowed to attack Israel from Lebanon.

Hezbollah’s gradual control over Lebanon has been taking place over many years especially with their possible involvement in the assassination of the popular Lebanese prime minister at the time Rafik Harari in 2005.  To further confirm these facts a United Nations Tribunal is on the verge of handing down indictments to top Hezbollah operatives involved in the assassination.  Apparently, Mr. Harari had to be taken out because he was taking Lebanon in a different direction than what Syria or Iran wanted.

Now it has been reported that France will sell Lebanon 100 anti-tank missiles which are obviously to be used against Israeli Tanks in the next war.  It is puzzling why France would do this as this will just reinforce the Israeli position of attacking all of Lebanon in the next war.  It should be obvious to any observer that Iran needs to control Lebanon so as to have a staging area for attacks on Israel from the north and control of Gaza so as to be able to harass Israel from the south.  There is one player in this picture that keeps this pot at the boiling point and that is Iran.  If Iran is no longer in the picture then most of the above problems are solved.

That is why I support any kind of destabilization efforts that are going on against Iran at this time because their ultimate goal is to take down Israel and all this would do is engulf the world  in a war that is not needed and unnecessary.

I just wanted to post a quick note and link below to an article that talks about Iran’s real goal is to try to takeover the Persian Gulf.  As we all know this is the lifeline to the west for the oil that is needed to run their economies.  Even if Iran did not succeed the disruption of the oil could collapse the economies of the west. The article states the saber ratling with Israel is just a diversion to take over the Gulf.  Interesting read so I wanted to add a link to share with others so let me know if it was worth the read. I also added a link on my page as well.

Dr. Kedar Warns: Iran May Take Over Persian Gulf

As has been reported today 91,000 pages of classified documents have been leaked about the Afghan war and  there is a frenzy as to what problems this will cause for the war effort.  I also read where a private first class maybe under suspicion for leaking this info, kind of like a whistleblower.  I for one would like to know how a “private” has access to all this info? Some of the info maybe day-to-day stuff that occurs in the Afghan war and was accumulated overtime and this private decided to spill the beans! But it is hard to believe one person was involved with the more probable scenario of many more players being part of this leak.

However, this is an interesting turn of events that I would like to point out. It was just in the last month that Afghan war commander General Mchrystal had to resign for things he probably should not have said about the President and his administration. I find it hard to believe that a person at this level would not understand the things he was saying would lead to his undoing?  I wonder if the General did this on purpose to bring attention to the failing effort in Afghanistan.  Now all of a sudden there is a leak of all these documents talking about how bad the situation is in Afghanistan?  I do not believe these two situations have occurred by accident and where intentional acts to try to make the following two possibilities occur:

1)Government officials in other dept’s such as state, defense and the military are trying to get the Presidents attention to a losing cause if the U.S. does not get serious about defeating the Taliban.

2)The President is allowing this info to be published in order to buy himself time at a later date and safe face by saying ” I did all I could with the surge but the U.S. has to get out and somehow this will let him save face because during the election he said Afghanistan was where the focus should be and not Iraq.  If the Presidents strategy fails in Afghanistan he will need to save face somehow and this may be his starting point for doing so.

Unless Afghanistan is pounded by the Air Force and constant ground attack they will not be defeated. These people have been fighting for hundreds of years because they like it and once America pulls out they will go back to fighting each other.  I say if the U.S. is not there to win then get out now!!  If the Taliban takeover and they start to let Al Qaeda build training camps then continue the air strikes with plane and drones. If needed launch cruise missiles and keep special forces on the ground.   But the way I see it the continued turmoil with these leaks and a General resigning tells me the something is up and that something is not very good.

There are continued behind the scenes talk that an attack on the Iranian nuclear facilities is beginning to heat up again.  Defense Secretary Gates was quoted as saying “We do not accept the idea of Iran having nuclear weapons”.  I believe this statement to be true and the sentiment of the President as he said the same thing during the election.   The article also talks about the  Iran’s Sunni neighbors want the US to do it or they are threatening to go nuclear which would include Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia.  This could all be propaganda to get the Iranian Government nervous so the will negotiate but I don’t think the US should let these other countries intimidate us into doing their dirty work!!

I know the US has interests in the region, but if Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan want something done about Iran let them do it!! Also, if these countries want this “attack” to take place then the US should make them foot the entire bill for this operation and give us a cut-rate price on the barrel of oil when it goes to over $100 a barrel when this attack occurs.  This country is broke and taxes are going up and I for one don’t want to continue to pay higher taxes just because some country in another part of the world doesn’t like their neighbor!   When have these oil-producing ever given this country a break?  When the price of oil went to $100 a barrel a few years ago these countries didn’t help out the United States and this was one of the catalysts for the Great Recession!!  I say let them worry about and go cry to China since they seem to have all this money right now!

I have linked to two articles in regard to my post in which the United States is increasing its military strength around Iran.  The United States has deployed a Third Carrier Group in the region with a total of  1o,000 combat troops. Also, it is now reported that Iran is surrounded by US troops in 10 countries which does not mean there is an imminent attack but there is a continued military buildup occurring in order to keep all options open in regard to Iran.  Interestingly this buildup is occurring without much reporting in the media which may be a good thing.

President Obama has said that he would not accept Iran having a nuclear weapon and if these reports are true it appears that he may very well  mean it.  Or, this could be a policy of  “containing Iran” that I have posted about in the past.  Either way at least something will be done to try to prevent Iran from having a nuclear weapon which with the past statements from Ahmadinejad would be a good thing.  This is a serious issue that appears to coming to head in the near future.

A recent article at indicates that US and Israeli forces are concentrated on army and air bases in Azerbaijan ready to strike the Iranian Nuclear Facilities with Iran declaring a state of war on its northwestern border with Azerbaijan. The report also says that Iranian sources have reported that Israel has transferred bomber jets to air bases in Azerbaijan.

While none of us no what is really going on I believe the western powers are not standing by just waiting for Iran to get a nuclear weapon without some preparation to stop  them.  I remember during the election President Obama saying that he would not allow Iran to get nuclear weapons and maybe he means it. I hope this report is true because these “tyrant countries” need to be stopped sooner rather than later.  It has always made sense to me why the US invaded Iraq as I believe it was to get close to Iran as they were always the target.  Instead of trying to put pressure on Iran from a far away place now it can be done right next to them in Iraq.

What we hear in public versus what goes on behind the scenes is very different.  I for one hope things like the above are going in order to spare the world of a catastrophe because Ahmadinejad and Iran have a nuclear weapon.