Category: Rant

I have linked to an interesting article about the federal reserve and how this institution is destroying the currency,wealth and keeping this country in perpetual debt.  Rep. Ron Paul is the only candidate for President that is talking about this and he is painted as some kind of kook but he is right on target!! None of the other candidates in either party want to discuss what the Federal Reserve is doing to this country because they are in on it! Below is a link to to article:

10 Things That Every American Should Know About The Federal Reserve

A friend of mine was showing me the difference between a one dollar silver certificate and a current dollar bill, I have also attached photos of a one dollar silver certificate from 1935 for everyone to see and a current dollar:

It may hard to see but in today’s dollar at the very top it reads “Federal Reserve Note”. On the one dollar silver certificate it reads ” Silver certificate” and at the bottom it reads ” One Dollar, In silver payable to the bearer on demand”.  All of today’s money has no value and by letting the Federal Reserve control the money it is keeping us in debt and getting worse. The congress is supposed to be in charge of the money, but they have given this authority to the Federal Reserve which is nothing more than a private bank run by a bunch of greedy bankers!  I am just helping to spread the word so we call become more educated and hope we as a nation become focused on the serious issues and not what the Kardashians are up to!

Once again I faced another tense moment while preparing my income tax as I was calculating, and researching ways as to not have to write a check to the IRS this year! Some might say I am part of the 47% that don’t pay income tax and I say “you are right”, but this does not bother me because I pay tax on income in way of payroll tax, ss tax, medicare tax, state tax and local tax so I think that I should be able to find ways (legally and within the rules of course) not to pay income tax!

I squeaked by this year by having the energy tax credit that I was able to deduct, but if not for that I would be writing a check! To top it all off, I already claim zero exemptions and put 15% in my 401K in order to reduce my tax burden and still on the borderline of paying income tax!

So to all of you all that think the 47% that do not pay income tax are dead beat losers that want to live off the government, guess what? I work, do not get a dime from the government and pay a helluva lot in taxes every year through what I produce from work each year and I don’t think this is fair so I will continue to blog about this and write Congress every chance I get until something is changed.  For the record.. I wrote the President asking why my bonus is taxed at a higher rate than my pay and once I again I get no response from a government that is suppose to work for me but I will keep wiring because I am least trying to do something!

One again I have received my annual bonus and as usual the government takes their standard 42% in taxes that include; Federal, State, Local, Medicare, and Social Security.  I don’t even look forward to it because I know this will be stolen from me and it is quite disheartening to bust your tail all year and hope this extra money will help me catch up on a few things then I look at the deposit and get angry about it!

I am not one to sit around and complain as I try to take action to express my frustration and in this case I have done so by writing my Congressman and Senator. As can be expected I received less than an adequate response to the unfairness of taking this percentage of my bonus.  In a nutshell I was told I could claim this on my taxes and get in back in a refund. Well guess what.. I can’t!!, This is counted as regular income on my W-2 so I can’t enter this on my income tax in a way to get any type of deduction. As a matter of fact I received a two page letter that gave me the “runaround” on why “my money” was stolen from me!

Let me say, I understand there have to be taxes to run the country but when this government is wasting all this money and we give money to countries like Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq that hate us, want us dead and all the while the people in this country are falling farther and farther behind in trying to make a living!  I have a proposal to make with the government: “Go ahead and take 42% from me but in return I want them to give me back the kind of money they are giving to these countries in the Middle East”.  If all Americans were “given” back the money this country hands to these ingrateful nations, the economy would turn around in 6 months!  As long as the government continues to confiscate money from the citizens at an unfair rate the less incentive we all have to work harder and to be better!

I intend on writing another letter to my Representatives on this issue as I will not give up!! It may never change, but it doesn’t do me any good to just sit here a stew about it and I suggest we all do the same and let Washington know we are watching!


This is not only an important issue for the entire country but also at the individual level for all Americans and we should all be very concerned how this issue plays out.  Taxes are of particular interest to me especially several times of year when I receive a bonus or extra pay for being sent on a special work assignment.  In the last month I had to leave town for work where I was paid my regular salary plus extra for the work I was doing while out-of-town.  I already knew the government was going to take “their cut” of my extra pay but it never really hits home until you receive the pay and check stub showing the unreasonable amount the government “steals” from me to waste on a bunch of crap!

Are you ready for this…?? After Federal, State, Local, Medicare, Social Security the government takes 42% off the top!!  This makes me so mad!!  This is why in communist countries nobody cared about working or producing because the government was going to take it from people so they didn’t care.  This is what is happening in this country the government is having to take more money from the working people to give to those that don’t produce and for corporations that don’t pay any taxes!

This is where the “debt ceiling” comes into play.  The U.S. keeps raising the debt ceiling to keep playing this “shell game” with our money.  But now we are just about at the end of this balancing act of continuing to raise the debt ceiling in order to keep this game going and the rest assured any agreement to raise the debt ceiling in exchange for taxing “the rich” will not solve the debt problem.  There are not enough “so-called” rich people” to fix this problem.  The government is going to tax all of us! There have already been rumblings in Congress about them getting their hands on 401k’s because of the billions of dollars in those plans because Congress can’t help themselves when there is a big pool of money laying around because they have to get their hands on it.

Finally, back to the 42% tax on “bonus pay”.. This was the doing of the Clinton administration so this is why he had a budget surplus because Clinton balanced his budget on the back of working Americans and to me this will happen again in order to get the same result. The only thing stopping this government now is the economy is in the tank and 10% unemployment!

I have waited to post about Bin Laden because there have been plenty of commentators on this subject that know far more than I do.  By now most everyone has seen the video of Bin Laden sitting in his room watching TV with some old blanket wrapped around him with a cap on his head.  Also, look at that room!! There are two of what look like old analog TV’s with Bin Laden channel surfing with his remote and all of these cables and cords running into his audio/video equipment.  I swear that if we were not told this was Bin Laden all of us would have thought it was some homeless man in shelter with the way this place looked!

I look at this video and I am supposed to believe this is some great mastermind running a global terror network from this dump!!  The government did not want to release the photos of a dead Bin Laden because it might inflame the muslims.  Well, they should have been worrying about inflaming Americans because of the release of this video which I believe cast doubts about what we have been told about this so-called “mastermind” running a “global terror network”.

Bin Laden said in the 90’s the only way to defeat America was to “take down their economy” and after watching this video it makes me think he just about did it.   This country has spent trillions on two wars, Homeland Security, TSA and no telling what else on this dead beat that was living in something no better than some lake cabin somewhere.  Also, the countless dead and wounded of our military that have been used in connection with the war on terror to track down bin laden.  I can’t put my finger on it but something just does not add up!  I am all for taking it to these terrorists and I am glad Bin Lade is dead and kind of glad it went down the way it did.  But, after watching this video it is hard to believe what we have been told about this man and I just hope the blood and treasure that has been spent is worth it because the price has been high.

It is being reported that in the last few weeks Syrian security forces have shot and killed over 200people in the last 4 weeks.  Since the uprisings have occurred in North Africa the Syrian people have taken to the streets demanding that Syrian President Assad step down and allow democratic reform.  His response is to shoot people in the streets so sounds like to me NATO needs to start drawing up plans to conduct missile and air strikes to save the Syrian people from being massacred like the excuse we were all given for the Libyan operation.  However, even though protestors are being shot and killed there will be no intervention to save the Syrian protestors because they are on their own.

But think about this, what better opportunity to get rid of another antagonist in the middle east?  I say this only for the fact of the lame excuse for attacking Libya.  We could get rid of a lot of problems by toppling the Syrian regime.  For one Iran would lose a key ally on the northern front of Israel and a conduit for weapons to their patron in Lebanon which is Hezbollah.  A big obstacle to middle east peace could be removed and serious discussions on settling this matter once and for all.  But this will not happen!! The status quo will remain because to me no money or profit can be made by taking out Syria.  North Africa is sitting on huge oil reserves and this needs to be tapped and Qadhafi must go because he is holding up the progress of getting to these reserves.

I just get tired of being given excuses for attacking countries like Libya so we can “save their people”.  Really… so we can “save them”!! Who is going to save the people of this country (US) when gas is $5.00 a gallon, food prices keep rising and no jobs that pay enough for people to survive.  It is all smoke and mirrors when these things go on and I don’t believe a word of it!!

This situation with North Korea continues to be alarming with recent intelligence reports indicating the North Koreans are developing underwater nuclear mines and torpedoes to neutralize any threat from Japanese and South Korean naval bases and American aircraft carriers.  This development should not surprise anyone as all of this is being done with the blessing of the Chinese government.  What other country in this region can China rely on to “stick it in the eye” of the United States and its allies, none because there are no other countries in this region what want to side with China because of possible Chinese hegemony in the region.

North Korea is a dirt poor country but has all this money to develop nuclear weapons? They get help from China so we have a situation here that shows what happens when you don’t finish the job such as the Korean war.  I know hindsight is 20/20 but if North Korea was defeated when they were on the ropes and China was a third-rate power at the time there would not be this problem today.  Now that China has the 2nd largest economy and developing it military that matter is that much more complicated in putting North Korea in its place.  With that being said I have several options that I will list that should be considered for putting North Korea in its place.

1)Tell North Korea and China that the gloves will come off and Japan, South Korea , Taiwan and even Vietnam will be allowed to develop their own nuclear weapons and there can be and old-fashioned arms race in the region to restore the balance of power.

2)Once the arms race has started no further “gifts” will be given to North Korea if they behave.  The only gift they will given is American military buildup in the region to go along with a nuclear armed Japan, South Korea and Taiwan.

3)While I am not an expert at economics what if the U.S. tells China if the don’t reign in the North Koreans then this country will default on the money they have loaned us.  Then the U.S. can be like these other third world countries and go to the IMF and World Bank for loans.  This country buys all that crap made in China that is either junk or making everyone sick so they need us more than we need them.

This is nothing more than the age-old situation of the “bully” thinking he is tougher than anyone else on the block and until someone stands up and knocks him down the bully will continue and this is what needs to happen with North Korea, the bully needs to be knocked down!

US alarmed by report North Korea developing underwater nukes – torpedoes and mines could neutralize US Aircraft Carriers

In a speech the President gave to the Hispanic caucus he attempts a quote from the Declaration of Independence and gets it wrong.   Below is the proper quotation from the Declaration of Independence:  “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”.  In the Presidents speech he left out the section referencing “their Creator” and quoted the rest of the wording as written.

Now when I hear his speech and begin to analyze the question comes to my mind as to why he would do this?  It appears the President is reading from a teleprompter so this tells me “Creator” was left out on purpose by the speech writers, researchers or the President himself.  Then the logical person could possibly make the following two conclusions: 1)The President does not believe in a Creator or he was trying to be political correct and not “offend” anyone by mentioning a “Creator”!

In this situation the President is wrong. The entire quotation from the Declaration of Independence should have been read as it was written.  Regardless if the President does not believe in a Creator or if he was afraid someone would have been offended it does not matter.  This is how our history gets diluted a little piece at a time by things like this. Before you know it we will be told the word “Creator” is not really in the Declaration, or “that is not what Jefferson meant when he wrote the Declaration of Independence”.  Rest assured if the President was quoting some founding documents of Muslims and left out the word “Allah” or something like that all h-ll would break loose.  Oh yeah, and leave it to the media for not reporting on this as they know most Americans would have a fit over this. I have posted the link to the YouTube video and title:

Obama Removes God From The Declaration of Independence

I have made several posts on the new healthcare bill and how much it will really cost the working people.  Well as I suspected the realities of what I an others have been saying in terms of an increase in premiums is happening as I type this post and it has happened to our family so that makes me an expert as of today to post about it.  My wife received her healthcare booklet with the different plans she can choose from and the plan she has now has increased 120%…. and to make sure I am clear, yes it has gone up 120%!!  Now, let me say she is in the single plan so the dollar increase is not that significant but in this economy any extra dollars out the door hurt the wallet. We did not choose the couple plan because the premiums have always been large but we figured from last year to this year the couple premium has increased 25%.

As stated previously there needed to be some kind of healthcare reform but my issue with this particular program was the cost and how it was going to be paid for.  Common sense alone would tell anyone that nothing is free and these insurance companies are not going to give out free insurance so guess what?? The people who pay health insurance premiums are going to pay for it.

There could also be an another motive for this.  I do not believe the President and his advisors are stupid people.  In fact, I believe them to be very intelligent and know exactly what they are doing.  I submit they knew all along these premium increases would happen and counted on it so the American people would be upset by this and then the government could say “why don’t you just come over to the government plan, it will be cheaper and better for you than the private sector” and because of the high premiums Americans will have no other choice but to do so. This way the government can say they didn’t force us into, but got us in through the backdoor and locked it!!

Finally, just so you know I did not just blog about this. I call my Congressman, Senator and the White House to let them know about the premium increase.   My health insurance renewal is coming up so I will keep you posted.

I received the attached email from a friend of mine that shows what appears to be Muslims kneeling and praying in the streets of New York City on 42nd and Madison avenue.  I do not know the reason for this or why these people were there and I don’t even know if it is real!!! It looks like a legitimate photo but if it is true then “why are these Muslims allowed to be on a  public street stopping traffic?   Put up a nativity scene for the same period of time the muslims were praying and see the outrage that would occur because of the nativity scene.   It seems in the last few years all of a sudden muslims are the “new minority” and have to be placated too in the name of diversity and tolerance!!

Maybe these muslim leaders should go over to these muslim terrorists and teach them how to be tolerant!!  These terrorists are the ones kidnapping people and sawing their heads off with a rusty knife and stoning women to death!!  You cannot label a group of people based on a few, but when I hear that my country and its citizens are not being “tolerant” and are “racists” I get all fired up!!  If the people of this country are “haters” as we are told then why do so many people want to come to the United States?  I believe most people in the United States believe in “live and let live”, but when they are continually told it is their fault for the problems of this world then you  have wackos come out of the wood work like that preacher in Florida and this gives diversity crowd a rallying point that says ” see look how they all are, just like that preacher in Florida”!

I think it is about time the ACLU gets involved and starts filing lawsuits because the muslim religion is holding a service on a public street!! But wait!!! how could I forget these are not Christians so it is ok!!  Below are the photos and email I received from a friend.

NYC on Madison Ave



A Christian Nation cannot put up a Christmas scene of the baby Jesus in
a public place, but the Muslims can stop normal traffic every Friday afternoon
by worshiping in the streets!?!

This is an accurate picture of every Friday afternoon in several
locations throughout NYC where there are mosques with a large
number of Muslims that cannot fit into the mosque – They fill the
surrounding streets, facing east for a couple of hours between
about 2 & 4 p.m. – Besides this one at 42nd St & Madison Ave,
there is another, even larger group, at 94th St & 3rd Ave, etc.,
etc. – Also, I presume, you are aware of the dispute over building
another “high rise” Mosque a few blocks from “ground zero” –
With regard to that one, the “Imam” refuses to disclose where the
$110 million dollars to build it is coming from and there is a lawsuit
filed to force disclosure of that information –