President Obama made his speech last week that as a basis for negotiations for middle east peace that Israel should consider returning to its borders prior to the 1967 war.  From my research this appears to be a first for an American President and the first salvo in what I believe is the beginning of the end of unconditional support for Israel by the United States.  Israel has long said that if they return to these borders their country will be indefensible and this is why they need to hold onto the territory they have.  Also, this land was won in a war started by the Arab nations and they lost so why should this land be given back?

Israel has stated they have no intention of returning to the pre 1967 borders, but I believe they will receive pressure from the United States, EU, and UN to do so because the world is tired of the conflict and want it to be settled. Since the formation of the State of Israel they have been attacked by Arab armies many times and the Arabs defeated every time so what the Arabs could not achieve on the battlefield they will try to get at the negotiating table and looks like they might succeed. Now, with President Obama getting the pre 1967 borders out in the open it won’t be long before the EU and UN fall in line.

To me this is a very disturbing statement by President Obama but I believe it fits into the bigger picture of what is going on in the middle east.  The whole status quo has been changed with the “Arab Spring” that is taking place with autocratic governments being overthrown or others about to be. What a perfect time for the pre 1967 border speech and with the complete turnover of the middle east taking place what a perefect time to finally get this conflict settled once and for all.  But, I do not think it will happen this way because I still think the Arabs do not want the State of Israel to exist.  I think these government bodies I have mentioned will press Israel to accept the pre 1967 border to obtain peace and Israel will reject this.  In turn, as they have done in the past the Arabs will attack with whatever allies they can find.  The EU and United States will blame Israel and not come to their aid, leaving them alone to defend themselves against these invaders.

This is not hard to figure out, you only have to watch and pay attention so I believe the speech President Obama has just made will lead to a chain of events that will allow the enemies of this country and Israel to have the green light for the final push to eliminate Israel.