Category: United States

The media is all a “buzz” as the deadline of August 2nd looms for a deal to raise the debt ceiling so the United States does not default on its payments and push the world into some kind of  “depression”.!!  Well, I have news for everyone… no way this will happen!  All we have in Democrats and Republicans are a bunch of politicians worrying about themselves and how they can pad their own wallets and their buddies on Wall Street.  And all of this going back and forth between the President and Congress is a “dog and pony show” to make us think there is a looming debt ceiling crisis and they are desperately trying to work it out.  In my opinion it is already worked out, and this posturing is just to pander to the voters to get re-elected for the next election cycle.

A perfect example is the “cut, cap and balance” amendment passed by the House but was defeated in the Senate.  This bill had no chance of making it to the President because this bill was proposed to give cover to the congressman who were elected to bring government under control, but even these congressman knew in the long run that the debt ceiling will be raised and the spending will go on. This bill was passed by the House with a 234-190 but was defeated in the Senate 51-46.

So my point is that our leaders are not looking out for us. They could care less what we want and believe that we are all idiots! The democrats come into power and nothing changes, the republicans come into power and nothing changes!  This is why I believe it is time for a legitimate third-party.  There seem to be a lot of libertarians around but their organization can’t seem to get off the ground. So the alternative is for all of us..the people getting together and finding a way to start a third-party that can get people elected that break the hold the Democrats and Republicans on the power in this nation.  Because until this occurs we will get the same thing year after year…. bigger government, more spending and making sure wall street is taken care of and not main street.


This is not only an important issue for the entire country but also at the individual level for all Americans and we should all be very concerned how this issue plays out.  Taxes are of particular interest to me especially several times of year when I receive a bonus or extra pay for being sent on a special work assignment.  In the last month I had to leave town for work where I was paid my regular salary plus extra for the work I was doing while out-of-town.  I already knew the government was going to take “their cut” of my extra pay but it never really hits home until you receive the pay and check stub showing the unreasonable amount the government “steals” from me to waste on a bunch of crap!

Are you ready for this…?? After Federal, State, Local, Medicare, Social Security the government takes 42% off the top!!  This makes me so mad!!  This is why in communist countries nobody cared about working or producing because the government was going to take it from people so they didn’t care.  This is what is happening in this country the government is having to take more money from the working people to give to those that don’t produce and for corporations that don’t pay any taxes!

This is where the “debt ceiling” comes into play.  The U.S. keeps raising the debt ceiling to keep playing this “shell game” with our money.  But now we are just about at the end of this balancing act of continuing to raise the debt ceiling in order to keep this game going and the rest assured any agreement to raise the debt ceiling in exchange for taxing “the rich” will not solve the debt problem.  There are not enough “so-called” rich people” to fix this problem.  The government is going to tax all of us! There have already been rumblings in Congress about them getting their hands on 401k’s because of the billions of dollars in those plans because Congress can’t help themselves when there is a big pool of money laying around because they have to get their hands on it.

Finally, back to the 42% tax on “bonus pay”.. This was the doing of the Clinton administration so this is why he had a budget surplus because Clinton balanced his budget on the back of working Americans and to me this will happen again in order to get the same result. The only thing stopping this government now is the economy is in the tank and 10% unemployment!

I have updated information in regard to Iran and the believe of their leader Ahmadinejad that by causing a cataclysmic war this will hasten the return of the Mahdi and the New World Order!  Finally, I have located an article by the Washington Post, one of the leading media outlets in this nation that is speaking about this very issue.   I have reposted below where I talk about this almost a year ago and hopefully with a major media outlet bringing the issue on the Mahdi then people will start to take this serious.  Remember, these kind of leaders maybe crazy but are very dangerous and mean what they say.  I would like to believe that some kind of action, even if covert is being taken to undermine Ahmadinejad and his government. Below is my repost and a current link to the Washington Post.

If you closely follow Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad then you are familiar with his believe in the final messiah returning which is the Mahdi that will usher in a New World Order.  The reason I say “follow closely” is that fact this belief of Ahmadinejad is not widely reported and must be deeply researched in order to find out any info on this subject.  I believe the media does not report on this because they probably think it is much ado about nothing and that surely someone is not that crazy to plunge the world into war over some kind of crazy believe.

Well, history is ripe with these scenario’s and the one mentioned above should not be looked at any differently.   Iran has shown their playbook and telegraphed exactly what they intend to do; acquire nuclear weapons, destroy Israel, and start and world war so the Mahdi will return.  I would like to think our leaders are smart enough to know that Ahmadinejad is a loon and that he plans on doing what he says and we as a nation and world just don’t stand by and attempt a piecemeal approach to accommodate Ahmadinejad.

There is also a lesson in this for the United States about getting involved in the affairs of other nations. This nation helped overthrow the elected government of Iran in the 1950’s and installed the Shah. When Iran was in an uproar in the 1970’s President Carter helped remove the Shah from power and the Ayatollah Khomeini took over and the Islamic Republic was born.  I know we have the hindsight of history but can anyone tell me why these leaders would think and “Islamic Republic” would be good for anyone.  I mean, I don’t think it is a good idea for religious leaders to lead a nation because they twist their belief system into thinking God has told them to do something and the result is people being killed and leaders like Ahmadinejad thinking he has to help the Mahdi to return. In an article I list below it is reported that Ahmadinejad takes hist entire cabinet to the city of Qom to report to the hidden Imam about what is going giving every indication that Iran is preparing for the end times.

I have listed several articles that speak on this subject in great detail as this is a serious threat and not the rumblings of some nut job.  It is not if, but when Ahmadinejad starts to implement his plans to have the Mahdi return we can only hope this nation and the rest of the world will quickly dispose of this problem so as to minimize the suffering that will surely follow.

As the war in Libya drags on into its sixth week the 60 day reporting to Congress under the war powers act expires today and the war continues. The Obama administration says this is “not a war” since there are not “boots on the ground”! Who are we kidding?  If this country is providing munitions, logistics etc.. people are fighting and dying on the ground then this is a war!

I have always believed the commander-in-chief has to make decisions on war and security issues, but we are involved in Libya were there is no vital interest to this county and the media is giving the President a pass on this war. Rest assured if this was a Republican it would be the top news story everyday!!

The liberals have to be going crazy because Obama has gotten this country involved in another war, we are still in Afghanistan, and Guantanamo Bay is still open!  I know we can’t understand all the reasons decisions are made, but the next time there is a conservative in office we all need to remember how the liberals and the media gave this President a pass on the unnecessary war in Libya.

President Obama made his speech last week that as a basis for negotiations for middle east peace that Israel should consider returning to its borders prior to the 1967 war.  From my research this appears to be a first for an American President and the first salvo in what I believe is the beginning of the end of unconditional support for Israel by the United States.  Israel has long said that if they return to these borders their country will be indefensible and this is why they need to hold onto the territory they have.  Also, this land was won in a war started by the Arab nations and they lost so why should this land be given back?

Israel has stated they have no intention of returning to the pre 1967 borders, but I believe they will receive pressure from the United States, EU, and UN to do so because the world is tired of the conflict and want it to be settled. Since the formation of the State of Israel they have been attacked by Arab armies many times and the Arabs defeated every time so what the Arabs could not achieve on the battlefield they will try to get at the negotiating table and looks like they might succeed. Now, with President Obama getting the pre 1967 borders out in the open it won’t be long before the EU and UN fall in line.

To me this is a very disturbing statement by President Obama but I believe it fits into the bigger picture of what is going on in the middle east.  The whole status quo has been changed with the “Arab Spring” that is taking place with autocratic governments being overthrown or others about to be. What a perfect time for the pre 1967 border speech and with the complete turnover of the middle east taking place what a perefect time to finally get this conflict settled once and for all.  But, I do not think it will happen this way because I still think the Arabs do not want the State of Israel to exist.  I think these government bodies I have mentioned will press Israel to accept the pre 1967 border to obtain peace and Israel will reject this.  In turn, as they have done in the past the Arabs will attack with whatever allies they can find.  The EU and United States will blame Israel and not come to their aid, leaving them alone to defend themselves against these invaders.

This is not hard to figure out, you only have to watch and pay attention so I believe the speech President Obama has just made will lead to a chain of events that will allow the enemies of this country and Israel to have the green light for the final push to eliminate Israel.



Periodically, I will make posts about this subject when I feel like there is new information that has been made available and this is one of those situations.  It is a well-known fact that Iranian President Ahmadinejad believes in the return of the “12 imam” who is a messianic figure in the islamic faith.  What makes this believe disturbing is that Ahmadinejad believes he must set in motion the events that will hasten the mahdi’s return which includes a destructive a cataclysmic world war.  Recently, I found an article that talks about at top advisor to Ahmadinejad has produced a movie about this very scenario and how Ahmadinejad has laid out his scenario how the “end times” will occur.

There is no need for me to go into great detail about the article as I have posted a link so it can be read and interpreted by the reader as to its content.  But make no mistake about this, Ahmadinejad believes this and we all should take very seriously what he is saying.  Don’t be fooled by the media because they are not reporting this in great detail because we are told Ahmadinejad is some kind of nut!! We were told in the 90’s that bin laden was some kind of nut and looked what happened!  These people are telegraphing exactly what they intend to do and will do everything in their power to bring it about.  Some how I believe the western nations believe Ahmadinejad is a nut case and are trying to stop him and here is why:

1)American forces are in Iraq and Afghanistan, the two countries that border Iran on the east and west.

2)Missile defense shield proposed for Europe so Iranian medium range nuclear missiles can be intercepted.

3)Israel has been provided with top of the line technology for missile defense.

Throughout history these same situations have arisen with some “crazed” leader bent on world domination but this time the stakes are higher because Ahmadinejad is after nuclear weapons and if he gets them then he may well attempt to manipulate events to hasten the return of the Mahdi as he believes.  Just remember, if this were a western leader talking about the return of Jesus and trying to manipulate events to get this to happen.  It would be in the news everyday about what a lunatic this leader was and every protestor from the US to Germany would be in the streets talking about how tolerant we need to be and not force religion down our throats.  What a joke all of this is in the name of tolerance!!

This situation with North Korea continues to be alarming with recent intelligence reports indicating the North Koreans are developing underwater nuclear mines and torpedoes to neutralize any threat from Japanese and South Korean naval bases and American aircraft carriers.  This development should not surprise anyone as all of this is being done with the blessing of the Chinese government.  What other country in this region can China rely on to “stick it in the eye” of the United States and its allies, none because there are no other countries in this region what want to side with China because of possible Chinese hegemony in the region.

North Korea is a dirt poor country but has all this money to develop nuclear weapons? They get help from China so we have a situation here that shows what happens when you don’t finish the job such as the Korean war.  I know hindsight is 20/20 but if North Korea was defeated when they were on the ropes and China was a third-rate power at the time there would not be this problem today.  Now that China has the 2nd largest economy and developing it military that matter is that much more complicated in putting North Korea in its place.  With that being said I have several options that I will list that should be considered for putting North Korea in its place.

1)Tell North Korea and China that the gloves will come off and Japan, South Korea , Taiwan and even Vietnam will be allowed to develop their own nuclear weapons and there can be and old-fashioned arms race in the region to restore the balance of power.

2)Once the arms race has started no further “gifts” will be given to North Korea if they behave.  The only gift they will given is American military buildup in the region to go along with a nuclear armed Japan, South Korea and Taiwan.

3)While I am not an expert at economics what if the U.S. tells China if the don’t reign in the North Koreans then this country will default on the money they have loaned us.  Then the U.S. can be like these other third world countries and go to the IMF and World Bank for loans.  This country buys all that crap made in China that is either junk or making everyone sick so they need us more than we need them.

This is nothing more than the age-old situation of the “bully” thinking he is tougher than anyone else on the block and until someone stands up and knocks him down the bully will continue and this is what needs to happen with North Korea, the bully needs to be knocked down!

US alarmed by report North Korea developing underwater nukes – torpedoes and mines could neutralize US Aircraft Carriers

If you closely follow Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad then you are familiar with his believe in the final messiah returning which is the Mahdi that will usher in a New World Order.  The reason I say “follow closely” is that fact this belief of Ahmadinejad is not widely reported and must be deeply researched in order to find out any info on this subject.  I believe the media does not report on this because they probably think it is much ado about nothing and that surely someone is not that crazy to plunge the world into war over some kind of crazy believe.

Well, history is ripe with these scenario’s and the one mentioned above should not be looked at any differently.   Iran has shown their playbook and telegraphed exactly what they intend to do; acquire nuclear weapons, destroy Israel, and start and world war so the Mahdi will return.  I would like to think our leaders are smart enough to know that Ahmadinejad is a loon and that he plans on doing what he says and we as a nation and world just don’t stand by and attempt a piecemeal approach to accommodate Ahmadinejad.

There is also a lesson in this for the United States about getting involved in the affairs of other nations. This nation helped overthrow the elected government of Iran in the 1950’s and installed the Shah. When Iran was in an uproar in the 1970’s President Carter helped remove the Shah from power and the Ayatollah Khomeini took over and the Islamic Republic was born.  I know we have the hindsight of history but can anyone tell me why these leaders would think and “Islamic Republic” would be good for anyone.  I mean, I don’t think it is a good idea for religious leaders to lead a nation because they twist their belief system into thinking God has told them to do something and the result is people being killed and leaders like Ahmadinejad thinking he has to help the Mahdi to return. In an article I list below it is reported that Ahmadinejad takes hist entire cabinet to the city of Qom to report to the hidden Imam about what is going giving every indication that Iran is preparing for the end times.

I have listed several articles that speak on this subject in great detail as this is a serious threat and not the rumblings of some nut job.  It is not if, but when Ahmadinejad starts to implement his plans to have the Mahdi return we can only hope this nation and the rest of the world will quickly dispose of this problem so as to minimize the suffering that will surely follow.



Iran continues to make moves for regional power in the middle east and its quest for dominance all the way the Mediterranean sea.  It is well-known that Iran has influence with Syria and in Gaza and rest assured that Iran is building its influence in Iraq as has been reported.  Ahmadinejad continues to consolidate his power in Iran and in turn is extending its influence in the region with this being a major concern to the United States.

As Iran continues with this and its pursuit of Nuclear Power the United States continues to counter Iranian moves in the region. In the last few weeks the United States has deployed a  second aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln in the Persian Gulf with its 60 warplanes to join the USS Harry S. Truman that is already in the Persian Gulf.

The United States continues to build up a large naval strike force in the region and the only purpose of this is to either intimidate Iran which will not work or to use this strike force against Iran which is probably the case.  Remember, President Obama did say during his election that he would not stand by why Iran developed nuclear weapons and this may be his solution to the problem could be around the corner with the build up of these strike forces. I have linked to several articles below:

I have listed a link to “jihad watch” by a British commentator about the mosque and some sound logic against the building of this mosque.  It does make you wonder why the mosque has to be built so close to ground zero and why call it the ” Cordoba House”?.  As we have learned Cordoba is a city in Southern Spain where the muslims built a mosque to symbolize their defeat of the Spaniards.   Also, the mosque is scheduled to be opened on September 11, 2011!!  Now do we really all believe all the above is a coincidence or is there really a plan to in place as outlined n the video?

The diversity and tolerance ground accuse us that are against this mosque as being “intolerant and islamaphobic”.  But remember these are the same people who don’t want us to keep score in our kids little league games because if there is a winner then the losing teams feelings will be hurt, or that 2+2=5 because the students that get it wrong may get their feelings hurt and have low self-esteem!!

So just remember, those of us against this mosque are not bigots and have Islamaphobia!  Do not let this media tell you otherwise because that is their job to do so.  We need to stand up as once voice and say “we do not have a problem with building a mosque but not at ground zero”  Oh yeah, and this Imam that wants to build the mosque says that if it is not built then muslims all over the world will be upset and could lead them to more violence!!   Well for one I am tired of hearing about the “arab street” being upset!! What about the “American street! And the part about more violence??  Is it any more violent than blowing yourself up to kill people, stoning women to death, and chopping off the heads of innocent people!!

Just some thoughts that came to mind.  I have listed the link below.